In water polo, ball handling and being comfortable with the ball are so important. We think water polo is about swimming, but swimming speed is irrelevant if you can’t pass a ball. The key to great ball handling ability is repetition. Tony used to take the youngest guy on the team and just pass 500 times until he felt his “HANDS” back.
Passing should not be generic - athletes should learn all kinds of passing drills in different positions, because in our sport you always receive the ball differently. The easiest way to get great passing skills is to pass continuously.
For example athletes can pass for 2 minutes regular, then another 2 minutes cross face, then another 2 minutes sliding in and out. Vary your distances as well so athletes can’t just catch from 5 meters but also from farther away.
Videos on the 6-8 Sports App
Cross Face Catching
Catch the Ball
Walking Rainbow Touches
3 Level Passing
Tony Faking
Pop to Yourself Freestyle
OYB Wrist Passes
Foot, Hand, Eye Coordination