Shot blocking is a defensive skill that, if taught early and taught properly, can influence an athlete’s career tremendously. We suggest that coaches create a mindset of shot blocking based on: shot blocking is the ‘scoring a goal’ of defense, it is one of the most important aspects of the game.
By mirroring an opponent’s shot and blocking the ball from going into your own team’s cage, you have prevented a goal. This skill gets overlooked at the younger ages as it comes more into play as athletes develop. But it is important to develop this skill early on so that athletes are prepared to utilize this skill in games as needed.
Shot blocking is not a stationary skill- the athlete needs to understand time and space. Anyone can become a good shooter if given time to fake, move and tire the goalie. The concept of “hit and react” means once in position to shot block, read the situation.
Having a balanced/vertical position, square shoulders, opposite arm out in front, and a strong arm mirroring the shooting arm of the opposing attacker are some vital keys to focus on when teaching this skill.
Always remember, the most important parts to shot blocking are watching the ball and wanting to block the ball.
Videos on the 6-8 Sports App
What is a Shot Block
Lunge out of Water
Blocking the Ball
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